Spain's Public Employees: Glimpses of Our Future

What happens when your country has borrowed, spent, and promised government employees benefits the private sector can't match?  On the verge of insolvency and attempting to stop the bleeding, Spain has a response from the union.  Read here:

Twenty Percent and Counting

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican, the State of New Mexico has a huge population of government employees.  See the actual percentages here:

Sowell Thinks Out Loud

Columnist Thomas Sowell shares a few random observations on the latest flow of news.  Read here:

Helen Thomas Quits

After opening her mouth and jumping in with both feet a few days ago, Helen Thomas decided to get the hell out of her job yesterday. Read more:

California is Self-Destructing

Plagued by promises to public employee unions that can't be kept, California is the closest thing America has to Greece. Job growth in the state is stagnant thanks to bad policies.  The situation should serve as a wake up call to New Mexico. Read more:

Damned If He Does & Damned If He Doesn't

Like all of his predecessors, President Obama gets it from all sides. Decades of government's mismanaging of energy policy continues to spew troubles for the White House.  Read here: 


Is Goldman Sachs Stalling?

The Wall Street Journal reports that Goldman Sachs is being accused of stalling the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission in its efforts to review Goldman's relationship with A.I.G. Read more:

Zimmerman Wins

After the provisional ballots were counted John Zimmerman won the Republican primary for District #1 of the Dona Ana County by 13 votes. 

He will face Billy Garrett in November.  Read here:

Tax Amnesty Offered

The State of New Mexico is offering a tax amnesty program through September 30th.  Read here: