Listening to a Sarah Palin speech is not easy. If you simply read her speeches and you are capable of employing a bit of horse sense, there is very little she says that is not logical. However, she really needs a voice coach. With all the money she has taken in for speaking engagements one would think someone would suggest she learn how to project her voice for emphasis rather than merely screech. Maybe she will take some time to work on that vocal skill while the majority in Washington works on its questionable economic logic.
Arthur Laffer |
The column we posted by Walter Williams earlier this week on “Eating the Rich” was unusually informative. Williams did a great job of explaining why a philosophical assault on America's high achievers is nothing more than hopeless jealousy and envy disguised as "compassion and fairness." Williams explains why trying to corner and confiscate from the “rich” will not solve our problems. Those who have rejected the overwhelming evidence that favors the efficacy of Arthur Laffer's supply-side economics seems to have a congenital compulsion to embrace trickle up poverty instead of policies that actually work.
We have seen several homecoming story segments on the TV networks lately. They involve soldiers who have been in harm’s way returning to their young families. These are heart warming stories. Unfortunately, at the same time these stories are running our president is caught on open microphones talking trash about his predecessor for getting “us” into two military incursions without paying for them. Is this not the pot talking? Only his explanation of his vote five years ago to NOT raise the debt limit carries less weight than his thoughts on authorizing, but not paying for various military policies.
The murder last week of a prosecutor in Juarez is particularly instructive of the tribal war going on just across the border. The Mexican drug cartels are engaged in atrocities that are creating anarchy and lawlessness just a few miles away. Why are we looking to solve terrible human tragedies in Libya when we could be helping our next door neighbors with unimaginable difficulties? And why are we suddenly spending hundreds of millions each day in Libya while deciding to slash $226 million from the border security budget earlier this month? More insanity.
With the cost of a gas tank fill-up skyrocketing, we wonder if anyone is connecting the dots. Through capital injections into the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. is now actively encouraging and financing off-shore drilling in Brazil. In the meantime our own EPA kills domestic drilling and actively attempts to destroy jobs and living standards in our state under the guise of protecting a frigging lizard? There should be a hundred thousand protest letters on the desks of Ben Ray Lujan, Martin Heinrich, Tom Udall, and Jeff Bingaman expressing outrage over the stupidity of the Sand Dune Lizard. Is Steve Pearce the only elected official we have sent to Washington with a lick of sense? Ok that is a rhetorical question.And finally, it looks like the Anthony casino question is back in the news. The question is simple. Does the State of New Mexico and Dona Ana County want to create an opportunity for the Jemez tribe to snare a location 300 miles off their reservation and use unimaginable tax advantages to destroy existing local businesses, wipe out local jobs, and assault local and state tax revenues, simply because if we allow their “investors” to do so, they will build a real nice building and pay people to accomplish these things? You can bet President Obama’s Interior Secretary won’t stand in the way of this ill-advised economic suicide. Shall we mix in some home grown economic insanity? With the final say only Governor Susana Martinez knows for sure. We have a great upcoming guest lineup on the show. Have a nice week.