Udall Wants To Kill DUI Checkpoint Apps

From computerworld.com -Makers of applications that locate drunk-driving checkpoints are misunderstood, defenders said Wednesday, a day after four U.S. senators called for smartphone makers to pull applications from their services. The applications do more than identify drunk-driving checkpoints set up by police, and the DUI (driving under the influence) checkpoint functionality actually aids police, said Joe Scott, CEO and founder of PhantomALERT, one of the companies targeted by the senators. "They're misjudging us," Scott said Wednesday. "It's a safety tool. It's approved by a lot of police departments. How is that we're being sanctioned? It just doesn't make sense."  More News New Mexico

Obama Signs NM Disaster Declaration

From whitehouse.gov -The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of New Mexico and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by a severe winter storm and extreme cold temperatures during the period of February 1-5, 2011.  Federal funding is available to State and eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis for emergency work and the repair or replacement of facilities damaged by a severe winter storm and extreme cold temperatures in the counties of Lincoln, Otero, Rio Arriba, Sierra, Socorro, and Taos and the Tribal jurisdictions of the Mescalero Apache Tribe, Santa Ana Pueblo, Taos Pueblo, and the portions of Santa Clara Pueblo that lie entirely within Rio Arriba County.  More News New Mexico

Nikolewski: Martinez vs. Senator Sanchez

Governor Martinez
 Capitol Report New Mexico - In boxing, Ali had Frazier. In tennis, Borg had McEnroe. And in this past 60-day legislative session, Susana Martinez had Michael Sanchez – a rival, a foe, a foil, a bête noire. The newly-elected Governor and the long-standing Senator from Belen mixed it up on a number of issues and, while neither says in public that they harbor any personal animosity, you can bet they won’t be exchanging Christmas cards either. The Governor singled out Sanchez for holding up bills that were near and dear to her heart (click here for that story) but her criticisms also seemed intent on casting Sanchez as a symbol of New Mexico’s entrenched political status quo that many voters hold in low regard. For his part, Sanchez thinks the freshman Governor has taken a “my way or the highway” attitude towards the legislature. Here’s what Sanchez calmly but pointedly said right after the session adjourned last Saturday: Martinez says she’s not campaigning; she advocating. A mere parsing of words? Not in her mind: Read full analysis here: News New Mexico