Bernanke - No Quick End to High Jobless Rate

WASHINGTON — The unemployment rate in the United States is likely to remain well above 7 percent through the end of 2012 and the duration of President Obama’s current term, according to the Federal Reserve. Ben S. Bernanke, the Fed chairman, told Congress on Wednesday that it would take “a significant amount of time” to restore the 8.5 million jobs lost in the United States in 2008 and 2009, and warned that “the economic outlook remains unusually uncertain.” He also warned that financial conditions, particularly the European sovereign debt crisis, had “become less supportive of economic growth in recent months.” Read more here:

Ken Blackwell - Re-hire Shirley Sherrod

Mark Twain warned us: Confession is good for the soul, but it’s bad for the reputation. It’s a good thing for a certain rural Georgia peanut farmer that we didn’t have a 24/7 news cycle when he was coming up. Otherwise, Jimmy Carter’s “lust in his heart” remark would have derailed his political career. Read more here:

Heath Talks Gary King

The postponing of the corruption trial of former Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron reveals a potential weakness for Attorney General Gary King’s re-election chances: While he’s secured convictions in some corruption cases, the most high-profile cases are unresolved, and it looks like they will still be pending on Election Day. Read here:

The Progressive - Obama a “Socialist”? I Wish!

The Progressive magazine weighs in with a wish list................I got an e-mail from a group called 21st Century Democrats, bemoaning the fact that a recent poll shows that 55% of likely voters said that the word “socialist” describes Obama and his policies.  The 21st Century Democrats said, “You and I know [that] is not the case.” Read more here:

Obama Signs Legislation Overhauling Financial Rules

WASHINGTON — President Obama signed into law on Wednesday a sweeping expansion of federal financial regulation, marking another — and perhaps last — major legislative victory before the midterm elections in November, which could recast the Congressional landscape. Read more here:

Walter Williams - Making Americans Sick

    Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius promised, "The U.S. government plans to increase funding to battle obesity and views healthcare reform as an opportunity to encourage better eating habits." Rather than spending money and attacking the food industry, the secretary and others concerned with the health of Americans ought to go after the U.S. Congress. Let's look at it. Read more here:

Alford happily staying on as New Mexico men's head basketball coach

From the Santa Fe New Mexican - by Tim Korte - ALBUQUERQUE — New Mexico head coach Steve Alford said he had opportunities to leave this spring after the most successful season in school history. Forget it. He wants to be a Lobo. "My agent got several calls," Alford said Tuesday at a news conference. "But if you talked to my agent, he'd tell you that I told him not to return any calls." Alford agreed to terms on a contract extension in April but because of schedule conflicts wasn't able to sign the deal until this month. It runs through 2020 and will boost his total compensation to $1,149,200 over the next year, an increase of $145,000. He could also earn an additional $625,000 next season by meeting performance incentives. "I want to be a Lobo as long as you'll have me as a Lobo," he said. Read more

Helena Chemical hearings: clearing the air or corporate smokescreen?

From NM - by blogger Nick Voges - Although it may seem obvious to the folks who have to breathe the air and drink the water in Mesquite, Helena Chemical company – despite a history of air and groundwater violations – doesn’t understand why it must operate with an air quality permit. Helena is now holding public hearings with the Environmental Improvement Board to explain why it is appealing the NMED’s ruling that their operations require regulation. The next meeting is Wednesday. Read more

EVERSOLE: Military voters soon to be disenfranchised - again

Commentary from the Washington Times - By M. Eric Eversole - By most accounts, the 2008 presidential election was a disaster for military voters. Thousands of them were disenfranchised when their absentee ballots were sent to wrong addresses, lost in the mail or mailed too close to the election for the ballot to be returned. To make matters worse, thousands of ballots were rejected by local election officials because the ballot - through no fault of the military voter - arrived after the election deadline. Much of this disaster could have been avoided by the Voting Section of the Justice Department, and without swift action, the Voting Section will cause a similar disaster in 2010 despite congressional efforts to fix the problem. The long-standing problems associated with military voting are well-known. As most Americans discovered during the 2000 election, military voters face significant hurdles when voting because of the transitory nature of military life and the delays associated with delivering absentee ballots, especially to war zones. These problems only have increased as America has sent hundreds of thousands of military members to Iraq and Afghanistan. Read more

Why Do Republicans Want to Raise the Deficit?

Commentary from the Huffington Post by Senator Bernie Sanders - Today, I gave the following speech speech on the floor of the United States Senate. "Mr. President" refers to the president of the Senate. Each and every day, it gets harder and harder to listen to my Republican friends who race to the Senate floor telling the American people how "concerned" they are about the $13 trillion national debt and how "we have to get our financial house in order."As you know, under the leadership of George W. Bush, these same Republicans turned a record-breaking federal surplus left by President Clinton into record-breaking deficits. Back then, their rallying cry was "deficits don't matter" articulated by then-Vice President Dick Cheney. This "deficits don't matter" philosophy gave us two wars that were not paid for -- and there are estimates that the Iraq War alone will end up costing some $3 trillion, $700 billion in tax breaks to the richest one percent, a $400 billion unpaid for prescription drug program written by the pharmaceutical industry, and a $700 billion bailout of Wall Street... four years ago, every Republican but two voted to completely eliminate the estate tax -- a tax that has been in existence since 1916 and impacts only the very richest families in the country Read more

Dust Devils - Is City Council Planning More Job Killing?

It seems as if some want to deny the stubborn fact that we have low humidity, agriculture, and breezes in this part of the country. Keep your eye on this site for updates on a new "dust ordinance" is being contemplated by City Council. We have included some comments on this idea in our summary of the latest city council meeting. We have seen a copy of an early draft of the ordinance. Many of the provisions appear likely to kill jobs. This idea will raise the costs of construction and cripple the process of rebuilding our job base in this area. Its impact on "dust" in this desert area will be negligible.
