Lawmaker faces heat for remark

From the Washington Times - Already locked in a tight re-election race, Pennsylvania Democratic Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski did not help his cause after Republicans jumped on his offhand comment this week implying minorities are not "good American people." Conservative websites promptly highlighted the lawmaker's remarks Wednesday at a Capitol Hill negotiating session over a new financial reform bill, recorded by the C-SPAN cameras and viewable on YouTube. Trying to argue the reform bill will help a broad number of people struggling in today's economy, Mr. Kanjorski remarked, "We're giving relief to people that I deal with in my office every day now, unfortunately." Read more

N.Y. mayor pushes immigration bill

From the Washington Times - NEW YORK Chief executives of several major corporations, including Hewlett-Packard, Boeing, Disney and News Corp., on Thursday joined New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to form a coalition advocating for immigration reform - including a path to legal status for all undocumented immigrants in the United States. The group includes several other big-city mayors and calls itself the Partnership for a New American Economy. Amid signs an immigration overhaul bill faces a steep climb in Congress, the group seeks to reframe immigration reform as the solution to repairing and stimulating the economy. Read more

Hugo Chavez Stealing Again

Oh that crazy Hugo Chavez. With Oliver Stone's glorification "documentary" of Chavez released to theaters just yesterday, what is the Venezuelan dictator going to do for an encore? Let's about confiscating oil rigs after reneging on payments owed to the rig's owners. Filmmaker Stone, a serial U.S. denouncer (see the Denunciatory Ethic) may have to return to Caracas and do a follow-up very soon so we can all learn more from the amusing and wacky adventures of this madcap statesman. Read about Hugo's latest theft here:

China Press on G-20 Conference

China's state run news agency (Xinhua) reports on what to expect from the latest G-20 meeting this weekend in Toronto. The perspective on which issues are important shifts when the view of China is taken into consideration. Read the Chinese perspective here:

Winning Battles Losing the War?

After passing a stimulus package that borrowed and spent nearly 1 trillion dollars last year to prop up a debt-plagued economy, President Obama has now claimed new victories on both health care and financial regulations in 2010. Somehow his legislative victories are not translating into victories in the polls. Read the latest findings from various polling agencies here:

1st Quarter GDP Growth Slower Than Previous Estimate

The U.S. Commerce Department revised the first quarter estimate of GDP growth in the U.S. down to 2.7%. The previous estimate had been 3%. Read the details of the report here: