More Taxes on Job Creators

New Mexico businesses pay people to work.  They also pay people to NOT work.  They might be paying more for people to NOT work soon. Read the details here:

Sarkozy Takes on Public Unions

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has woken up and smelled the coffee. He announced plans to raise the retirement age for public employees in his country. Now it is time for the French public employee unions to demostrate that they get it.  Don't hold your breath. Read the details here:

Economics 101

Columnist and economist Walter Williams discusses economic myths and fallacies that are floated in America on a regular basis.  Read his views here:

The Horns of Africa

The big story of the 2010 World Cup is how annoying it is to watch. It seems that going to the games might be a health risk. Read the story here:

The Other Surge: Levin and McCain Dissatisfied

Senators Levin and McCain took shots at the Obama administration over difficulties with the recent surge of U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Read their objections here:

More Talk

Like Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush.....from the oval office of the White House last night President Obama offered words to a nationwide audience. Missing in the address was the same thing that has been missing from every single president since the U.S. economy was brought to its knees by an energy crisis during Nixon's energy policy. Read the details of what the president said here: 

Lakers Blow Out Celtics

The Los Angeles Lakers forced game seven on Thursday night with a lopsided 89-67 win over the Boston Celtics last night in L.A. Read the game story here: