Nunez: Off Reservation Indian Casino Would "Devastate" The City of Sunland Park

Andy Nunez
New Mexico's only independent member of the House of Representatives, Andy Nunez, told News New Mexico radio show listeners this morning that the off-reservation casino proposal by Santa Fe Art dealer Gerald Peters is a bad idea that violates "the intent" of the Indian Gaming Act. You can listen to the audio of his appearance here. Nunez questioned the potential job benefits that might accrue to the Jemez tribe by creating a gambling franchise type of operation in a county 300 miles away. When asked what allowing an off-reservation casino would do to the City of Sunland Park, Nunez said, "It would devastate it."
Susana Martinez
In addition to destroying the economic base of the City of Sunland Park, Nunez estimated that Sunland Park Racetrack and Casino pays about as much in state taxes as all the on-reservation Indian casinos combined. This happens he explained, because the tribes casinos pay only 8% of their unaudited net casino income, whereas Sunland Park and other racetrack casinos pay 26.5% of their gross income. Nunez promised to address the off-reservation issue with Governor Susana Martinez before his next appearance on the show.


We Were All Over the Weiner Story

Andrew Breitbart
Give credit to News New Mexico's Rachel Pulaski. She brought up the work of investigative Internet reporter Andrew Breitbart on the Weiner story early in the morning on Tuesday May 31st. For awhile it looked like Breitbart had seemingly done all he could do to expose Anthony Weiner. And just when we thought the Weiner story was going to finally go limp, it jumped back to life. Rachel predicted the resurrection again this morning on our show. We confess. We have had more than our fair share of fun telling Weiner jokes on our radio show. And yes, we admit we actually snickered constantly. But we truly thought that the Weiner story might have finally reached a climax and petered out. Then this afternoon our suspicions were aroused again. And as our interest was resurrected when we got wind of the announcement of a pending press conference involving Weiner, the anticipation was pulsating. Rumors of what was coming were actually leaked by Weiner’s staff. And the Internet chatter suggested something big might be coming.
The Weiner press conference did not disappoint. The most watched member of Congress openly acknowledged he had stiffed reporters all of last week. In fact, all of the lies Weiner told during the painful process of the Weiner probe were finally revealed for all to see.
Rachel Pulaski
We openly admit we were glued to the screen as it became apparent pretty early in the press conference that Weiner was coming to grips with the truth. Eventually we got confirmation that everything released by apologists like the website Daily Kos turned out to be a cover up of Weiner’s shortcomings. Though Weiner was at one time a person political analysts considered a master debater, this afternoon he failed to perform. Knowing Breitbart had the goods on him, Weiner was forced to acknowledge the naked truth. As we watched and became completely enthralled with the proceeding, the press beat on Weiner for an hour. For awhile Weiner held up well under the penetrating questions of the reporters. But in the end Weiner was humiliated and spent.
Anthony Weiner
Though Weiner had been dripping half truths and innuendos to the press for a week, ultimately the New York Congressman had to swallow all sense of dignity and admit that he had failed to rise to the level that is worthy of one of the four hundred and thirty five most distinguished elected officials in the land. Still Weiner refused to withdraw and resign. Whether Congressman Weiner will be able to weather the firestorm of disdain is an open question. We are sad. Sad that Weiner failed to consummate his responsibilities, and even more sad that now we will have to talk about silly stuff like rising unemployment and the fact that half the households in this country don’t pay any federal income tax to support our wonderful government. Pity.


Federal Pension Fraud

Washington Times - Federal retirees often enjoy generous pensions, but some manage to keep getting paid even after they’re dead and buried. Each year, investigators uncover dozens of cases of federal retirees or their spouses continuing to collect retirement checks after death, records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. Usually, relatives, friends or caretakers take the checks and cash them, hoping the government won’t notice. Many of the thieves face criminal charges once caught, but not all of them end up before a judge. And in some cases, years pass before the fraud comes to light. But some suspects manage to avoid criminal prosecution because the statute of limitations runs out or because prosecutors simply decline to press charges. Read full story here: News New Mexico

Progressive Take on China's Li Na

Li Na
The Nation - by David Ziron - We can cheer the beauty and artistry of Li Na’s ability on the court. But please don’t call it a victory for China. Part of this remarkable country will cheer and play more tennis. A very separate and unequal part will die making those canary-yellow shirts: the last thing they see being that market-tested exhortation: “Achieve Yourself.” These contrasting realities are a recipe for the kind of social conflict for which Nike has no slogan. Read full story here: News New Mexico

California Dreaming

Austin Hill
 Townhall - It was quite a spectacle, that strange September day in California. Seated behind the microphones and in front of the cameras of the American media, flanked by an American Attorney who had accessed the American judicial system to sue an American citizen named Meg Whitman, sat an illegal alien named Nicky Diaz Santillan. Nobody dared to ask questions about the fact that Ms. Santillan’s presence in California was a violation of federal law. And nobody said a word about her admission to the crime of identity theft.
It was all about the alleged “abuse” done to her by the American Meg Whitman. In fact, California’s top law enforcement agent at that time – Attorney General Jerry Brown – had nothing to say about illegal immigration and identity theft either. Brown was the Democrat nominee for Governor, and he was polling behind Whitman. So rather than address the apparent crimes and confessions, Brown instead joined the chorus of critics claiming that Whitman had been “insensitive” for ending Ms. Santillan’s employment. Read full column here: News New Mexico


EPA Exaggerates Threats and Fabricates Dangers

Townhall - by Willie Soon - The EPA’s actions can be counted on to achieve only one thing – which is to further advance the Obama administration’s oft-stated goal of penalizing hydrocarbon use, making coal-based electricity prices “skyrocket,” and driving a transition to unreliable renewable energy. The proposed standards will do nothing to reduce exaggerated threats from mercury and other air pollutants. Indeed, the rules will worsen, rather than improve America’s health – especially for young children and women of child-bearing age. Not only will they raise heating, air conditioning and food costs; they will scare people away from nutritious fish that should be in everyone’s diet. America needs affordable, reliable electricity. It needs better health and nutrition. It needs an EPA that focuses on real risks, instead of wasting hard-earned taxpayer and consumer dollars fabricating dangers and evidence. Read full column here: News New Mexico

Consumers Continue to Pay Down Debt

The average consumer is doing what some in Congress say should not be done....creating some light at the end of the debt tunnel. According the FDIC, mortgage loan balance totals outstanding in the U.S. continue to be paid down at rapid rates. Total mortgage loans were down by $64 billion or about 3.50% for the first quarter of 2011. Also in the FDIC’s report for the 1st Quarter was news that consumers paid down their credit card debts to the tune of $25 billion. That amounts to a decrease of about 8% in those balances.
In fact, loan demand overall among FDIC insured institutions in the 1st Quarter continued to fall with total loan and lease balances down $126.6 billion or about 1.7%. This was the fifth-largest quarterly percentage decline in loan balances for the entire 28 years that data has been kept. Over the last eleven quarters ten were reported to have loan balances falling.


Pearce in Los Lunas Saturday

Steve Pearce
Los Lunas, NM (June 6, 2011) Congressman Steve Pearce will be pumping gas and visiting with constituents in Los Lunas on Saturday morning at 9:00 am. Rep. Pearce will be at the Shell Service Station, located at 1860 Main Street. He plans on pumping gas for constituents while discussing their concerns about gas prices, jobs, the economy, or any other topics of interest.
Throughout his over 6 years in Congress, Rep. Pearce has been a strong advocate for energy policy that creates American jobs, lowers fuel prices, and reduces our dependence on foreign oil. He has been a leader in the fight against harmful energy policies such as the gulf drilling moratorium, tax increases, and unnecessary environmental regulations. Members of the public and the media are strongly encouraged to attend.


Michael Barone: No Surprises

Michael Barone
National Review - Many more people have been unemployed for longer periods than in previous recessions, and many more have stopped looking for work altogether. It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that the threat of tax increases and increased regulatory burdens have produced something in the nature of a hiring strike. And then there is the political posturing. On April 13, Barack Obama delivered a ballyhooed speech at George Washington University. The man who conservatives as well as liberal pundits told us was a combination of Edmund Burke and Reinhold Niebuhr was widely expected to present a serious plan to address the budget deficits and entitlement spending.
Instead, the man who can call on talented career professionals at the Office of Management and Budget to produce detailed blueprints gave us something in the nature of a few numbers scrawled on a paper napkin. The man depicted as pragmatic and free of ideological cant indulged in cheap political rhetoric, accusing Republicans — including House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan, who was in the audience — of pushing old ladies in wheelchairs down the hill and starving autistic children. The signal was clear. Obama had already ignored his own deficit-reduction commission in preparing his annual budget, which was later rejected 97–0 in the Senate. Now he was signaling that the time for governing was over and that he was entering campaign mode 19 months before the November 2012 election. Read full column here: News New Mexico