Blackhawks Win the Cup

The Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup in Philadelphia last night with a thrilling overtime victory.  It was the Hawks first cup win since 1961 and an astounding seventh straight finals loss by the Flyer.  Read details here:

Juarez: Fleeing Murder City

The shooting of a Mexican teenager by a border patrol agent was caught on a grainy film. The entire incident only serves to magnify the problem of border security. One thing seems sure. Concurrent with President Calderon's criticism of the U.S. and Arizona is the implicit evidence that people will take huge risks and resort to violence to get OUT of the country Calderon runs. Read here:

Wilderness Proposal Modifications: Lipstick on a Pig?

Senators Jeff Bingaman (left) and Tom Udall (right) have modified an original proposal that was sure to hinder effective border security and hamper the efforts of the agriculutral segment of Southern New Mexico's economy. 
The original proposal has been modified. Read initial details here:

Joshua Baca: Polls Look Good for GOP in NM

Campaign consultant Joshua Baca offers his views on GOP in New Mexico at  Read here:

Martinez Responds to Denish Assault

Las Crucen Susana Martinez the GOP candidate for governor has responded to relentless attacks on her record as a prosecutor from Diane Denish.  She has a new television ad of her own.  Read more and view the ad on here:

Political Landscape: Lots of G.O.P. Newcomers

Will the GOP newcomers all around the nation make a difference all around the nation in November? The stakes are being raised.  Read here:

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Enemies are Our Friends

U.S. foreign policy might get one more chance to give assistance to the opposition in Iran. We will see how this is handled as holocaust denier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sees protests being prepared in his country. Read here:

Federal Government May Lose Billions on AIG

A.I.G. paid Goldman Sachs and others in full, the money it owed on the dumb credit default swaps it wrote.....with taxpayer dollars. How did Goldman get in a position to structure the taxpayer payoff deal? Former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson was the Bush administration Treasury secretary. He urged the government to step in.  Read here:

Larry Elder: Jobs

Columnist Larry Elder discusses job creation ideas coming out of the White House.  Read here: