From the
Albuquerque Journal - City Hall's top economist took a stab this week at determining whether Albuquerque's temporary reduction in impact fees has boosted development. The evidence sounds inconclusive, based on my reading of the report. That probably won't stop both sides — critics and supporters of the fees — from using it to bolster their arguments. The 10-page report examined construction activity in a recent six-month period, during which impact fees were cut in half for most developments or eliminated entirely for "green" projects. The report says residential construction grew substantially while commercial construction slowed — at least compared to the same period the year before. The catch, however, is that the trend simply "mirrors what has happened nationally." There are so many factors affecting local construction that it's difficult to tease out what impacts the fee reduction had, the report said.
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Report on Albuquerque Impact Fees: Inconclusive
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