Feedback to NewsNM from Sara Laughlin-Medina

This is from our comment section of the website:

From Sara Laughlin-Medina: I have contemplated writing for a few weeks now, and finally have decided that if I continue to procrastinate any longer it will be too late, since voting day is just around the corner.Several times, a few weeks ago, you play audio about Cap and Trade from a Harry Teague Town Hall meeting in Silver City from last year. I would like to share with you, and hopefully your listeners, my group's experience with Harry Teague and the Cap and Trade issue, as I feel it is more significant than what was said in Silver City. Last year, Las Cruces was the very first stop after the vote on Cap and Trade for Mr. Teague's town hall meeting. I had never been to one of his meetings, but as the then chairman of the Las Cruces TEA Party, I posed questions from our group to him about his vote for what we consider a disastrous bill. For those that don't know, Mr. Teague's format had been to take questions one-on-one, so that no one else in the room could hear the discussion – I didn't know that at the time, but being that I was representing a large group, when it came my turn to talk with my representative, I indicated that I would like to state the questions so that everyone could hear and that I would appreciate it if he would respond in a manner that my group could hear his response, or that I would repeat his response. (I do like breaking rules and this stirred up quite a reaction and a lively debate - I don't think those that were in support of the bill appreciated it!) Here is the recollection of that discussion: (this was written right after the event with some editing done to suite this format)I first asked Rep. Teague if he reads the bills that he votes on. He said that he does, but he was overheard later admitting to someone else that he hasn't personally read them - he "has staff that reads them." I asked how his voting "yea" on the energy bill/Cap and Trade benefits all New Mexicans. The one reason that he said he voted for it was that "HIS AMENDMENT" to the bill would benefit the small oil business in New Mexico - (were you aware that he even had an amendment in this bill? I haven't heard it talked about anywhere else). In other words, he added a protection for his very own business! This seems to stink of personal pork to me and very short sighted for someone that is supposed to think of all New Mexicans. When it was pointed out that Dona Ana county does not have a great deal of income from oil/gas and that our energy bills would necessarily go up, all he could add was that his vote "didn't matter because the bill had already passed". We then asked why he didn't vote against it on principle (remember there was only one reason he voted for it – he was “against” it otherwise) he had no explanation, he only repeated what he had already said about his amendment being the reason he voted for it. SO, I have always questioned whether he means that it's okay to sell out your constituency because everyone else has...btw, all three Representatives from NM voted for the bill. That's just poor logic - in other words - a smoke screen for his own personal gain and interest. (PORK) It DOES matter how he votes regardless of whether a bill has already met the number to pass of not. IT MATTERS TO EACH NEW MEXICAN! He just happened to get lucky and didn't have to vote first.Gentlemen, I hope that I have composed this well enough so that it conveys the selfishness, lack of foresight and just down right unpreparedness to deal with the consequences of his actions we heard that day from Mr. Teague. Sincerely and with enjoyment of your show.Sara Laughlin-Medina



Anonymous said...

Well on the plus side it isn't like the head of the Tea Party would have an ulterior motive... or would remain woefully ignorant about legislation just because she disagrees with it...

Also, something that I found rather ignorant was the idea that the people of Dona Ana County don't benefit from the oil and gas industry. Ms. Laughlin-Medina if you have kids, or nephews or nieces or friends who have children, who go to school anywhere in New Mexico, they are benefiting from the tax that New Mexico has imposed on the Oil and Gas industry to pay for public education which would have had problems without the amendment offered by Harry Teague. So you didn't know just how right you were when you stated that this matters to each New Mexican.

Anonymous said...

And when the federal government imposes such a tax as many as 20,000 MORE jobs will be lost in NM, which WILL matter to those who get laid off. When will ignorant left-wingers get it that excessive taxation leads to HIGH unemployment. Is HIGH unemployment GOOD for the children of NM families? How bad does it have to get before these loons get it? The Tea Party leader is more interested in the welfare of ALL New Mexicans than Teague or the dreadfully misguided author of the previous comment to Ms. Laughlin-Medina's email to It's interesting how Teague preferred to answer questions one-on-one instead of making his case to everyone in attendance. I heard his fumbled, pathetic response to the Silver City gentleman who questioned Teague's yea vote on Cap & TAX us into bankruptcy and HIGH unemployment. Can anyone seriously say they listened to that response and STILL grant a shred of credibility to this man? I THINK NOT!

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