Four Local Elected Officials Endorse Diane Denish

Ken Miyagishima
Nathan Small
Four notable Las Crucens were listed on the Diane Denish campaign site as endorses of the Lt. Governor in her race against Dona Ana Country District Attorney Susana Martinez.

Karen Perez

Sharon Thomas
City Councilor Nathan Small, Dona Ana County Commissioner Karen Perez, Mayor Ken Miyagishima (who also endorsed Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election) and City Councilor Sharon Thomas all count themselves in the Denish camp. Visit the Denish website here:



Anonymous said...

Gee, what a surprise! The left-wing zealots of Las Cruces endorsing Denish? Who would have ever thunk it? They're next.

Anonymous said...

Once this election is over I hope the business community does something to throw these four bums out. Maybe they can all go back to their private lives and resume holding hands with all the tree-huggers that are hell bent on destroying America.

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