Parker: Anthony Weiner

Star Parker
Townhall - New York Congressman Anthony Weiner is making a name for himself. He wants taxes raised on wealthy Americans and is one of the more vocal opponents to the deal that would retain current tax rates for everyone. “An estate tax cut for millionaires adds exactly zero jobs. A tax cut for billionaires – virtually none,” says the congressman. But what does Weiner know about job creation, about work, about being an entrepreneur? Looking over his resume, you see he’s never held a private sector job.
Anthony Weiner
Right out of college, he went to work on the staff of then-Congressmen Chuck Schumer, followed by six years serving on New York’s city council, and then ran for congress in 1999, capturing the seat he currently holds. Mr. Weiner is a politically ambitious young man who has built power and career by confiscating and redistributing other people’s money. Read full column here:



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