Time Wasting - Dumb Priorities

The recent re-visiting of the debate on the possibility of pardoning Billy the Kid is a symptom of a huge problem. Apparently, prioritizing in New Mexico and in the U.S. is a tad on the tedious side. There is certainly nothing wrong with being a history buff. And there is also nothing wrong with reading stories about Billy the Kid. However, for real world problem solvers, these silly distractions expose New Mexico's elected officials, most particularly their ignoring of the fact that the state is broke and struggling with critical budgeting decisions. It became clear many months ago that not nearly enough discussions took place concerning what steps the governor and legislature might take to NOT SPEND $400 million the state did not have. And in the wake of the state's biggest looming budget crisis in memory, elected officials that still think expending any energy whatsoever to consider pardoning or not pardoning what Billy the Kid did 129 years ago are woefully misguided. Why does this topic, of all topics, keep coming up? The answer seems clear. Balancing the state budget through prioritization and choice making is boring, especially when compared to debating "Billy" or making the world safe from North Korea......again. Is it time for a change? Hmmmmm. Let me think.



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