Unemployment Crisis:Crisis Catch 22

From americanthinker.com The battle continues over private-sector job creation and government expansion. Taxation and unemployment are directly related, and if every American doesn't understand this, then Americans will continue to lose jobs. The Democratic left has placed a gun to congressional Republicans' heads by threatening to allow taxes to increase on all Americans on January 1. Democrats intend to continue government expansion by again extending the policy of paying people not to work, while Republicans are threatening to block all leftist lame-duck initiatives barring tax breaks for every American, including "the rich."
The historical facts are quite clear on the subject: lowering tax rates always results in economic growth by leaving more investment resources in the private sector, where real jobs must be created. Lower tax rates have always resulted in increased tax revenue streams by way of economic expansion. So why are Democrats so committed to raising taxes?
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Anonymous said...

In fact, JFK couldn't be a member of today's Democratic Party.

Anonymous said...

A left leaning friend of mine recently told me that JFK inspired him to become a member of the democratic party and support the democratic party. JFK inherited a recession when he became president. The first thing he did was cut taxes to get the economy moving again. Was JFK a republican in disguise? Evidently, JFK learned a lot about marketing, the economy and how to make money from his family. What business were they in that sowed the seeds of his family's financial empire?

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