Luján strips Nuñez of committee chairmanship

From NM - by Heath Haussamen - House Speaker Ben Luján has stripped Rep. Andy Nuñez of his committee assignments, including removing him from the position of chairman of the Agriculture and Water Resources Committee. Nuñez, D-Hatch, confirmed that Luján informed him of the changes earlier today. He said the speaker gave him no reason for the changes, but Nuñez views it as retaliation. Nuñez was the most vocal Democrat who backed the unsuccessful, bipartisan effort to replace Luján with Rep. Joseph Cervantes, D-Las Cruces. “What other reason would he have to do it?” Nuñez asked. Luján could not immediately be reached for comment. Rep. James Roger Madalena, D-Jemez Pueblo, will replace Nuñez as chair of the agriculture committee. Read more


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