Governor Martinez and Chuck Franco at Inaugural |
Santa Fe New Mexican - Gov. Susana Martinez's first State of the State speech Tuesday carried a simple, clear message: Bill Richardson has left the building, and I'm in charge. Wearing a black dress and a corsage of baby pink roses and one white orchid, Martinez stood before the packed chamber of the House of Representatives to declare her intention to reinstate the death penalty and to revoke drivers' licenses given to illegal immigrants. Both acts were passed during Richardson's eight-year tenure as governor and would have to be repealed by the Legislature. Also making cameos in her speech were a healthy skepticism of state environmental rules promulgated during Richardson's administration and the idea of giving bonus pay to teachers. Another priority listed in her 38-minute speech was a long-sought Republican goal: Requiring New Mexicans to produce photo identifications at the voting booth. Most of all, though, Martinez spent a lot of time talking about small businesses. "It's the small businesses — the mom-and-pop shops, the small startups — that get lost in the layers of red tape," Martinez told the crowd. "We will help them, and in doing so, send a loud message and a clear message that New Mexico is open for business." Read full story
Martinez Outlined Her Agenda
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