Steve Pearce |
Washington, DC (January 25, 2011) Congressman Steve Pearce issued the following statement in response to tonight’s State of the Union Address: “Tonight, in his State of the Union Address, President Obama discussed jobs and the economy. I am sincerely pleased to hear him begin to take an interest in what the people have been concerned about for years. Now begins the difficult task of transforming words into reality. We need real job creation and Washington needs to get its budget under control. While I am hopeful, the challenge comes with the specific policies our country and New Mexico need. I look forward to cooperating on the good ideas, especially those that will create jobs in New Mexico.
“Mr. Obama proposed spending freezes, but it is important to remember that over the last two years, the deficit has for the first time in history surpassed $1 trillion. It has now skyrocketed to $1.4 trillion. Freezing spending at the current record-breaking levels only means we will be stuck there. It will make spending reduction impossible, and it will force us to lock in our mistakes. We must return spending to pre-2008 levels, and then continue to seek reductions. “As I travel around New Mexico, I see the impact of our economic crisis. Unemployment in New Mexico remains high, and has been climbing since President Obama took office. When I was there last weekend, I met with many New Mexicans who find themselves unemployed. Our small-business owners are being forced to lay off workers or make painful cuts to survive. Our retirees are watching their hard-earned savings lose value, and are wondering if they will have enough. Our veterans, living on fixed incomes, are finding it harder to get by. On a regular basis, I look into the eyes of these hard working people and see fear. Fear of financial uncertainty. Fear that they will have to close down the businesses they spent their lives building. Fear that they will be unable to support their families.
“New Mexicans are still struggling. Americans are still struggling. All they want is the freedom to work, to support their families, to pursue happiness. Tonight, I was heartened to hear the president convey his concern for those desires. I am especially encouraged by his goal of putting Americans back to work. Now, as we begin the hard work of transforming words into actions, we must remember the true needs of Americans. “We need to be heard. We need jobs. We need liberty. And we need a government that will fight for these…that will fight for us.”
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