Soros-Funded Media Matters Tool Tells Tingles: “Glenn Beck Has Been Responsible For 3 Thwarted Assassination Attempts”…

Chris Matthews
From -Via MediaiteMedia Matters founder David Brock appeared on Hardball and revealed to Chris Matthews his allegation that “Glenn Beck himself has been responsible for three thwarted assassination attempts this year.” Brock listed three occurrences where a crazed assassin targeted a liberal politician or institution, and where evidence later emerged that the assassin may have been a viewer of Beck’s show.  Matthews just nodded in astonishment, not questioning whether such tangential evidence truly would establish Beck as somehow “responsible” for each assassination attempt.  More here


Anonymous said...

I routinely watch NBC, MSNBC, CBS and ABC news. In a recent visit to my doctor and cardiologist's office I was advised that since I began watching news reports on these networks I have developed a heart condition which is exacerbated whenever I watch these news feeds. Based on this article, perhaps I can find an attorney who will sue each of these news organizations for their left-wing news agenda, which causes to me experience heart problems. I know I could call my cardiologist and family doctor to the witness stand and substantiate that whenever I watch these news channels I am in danger of having a heart attack. It would seem to me that my claims have at least equal legitimacy as those being made by these shameless liberals. I would agree to settle if they would simply shutdown their news departments. This would be in the best interest of anyone who's health is at risk due to their left leaning news broadcasts. Like them, am I stretching too?

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