This day in New Mexico History - January 26

On this day in New Mexico History - In 1880, there was a gunfight in Las Vegas, New Mexico which featured a Deputy Town Marshall by the name of "Mysterious" Dave Mather. The details of the gunfight are less important than this "shootist" is part of the lore of New Mexico. The short of it was that some bad guys were asked by the City Marshall to check their guns but instead they pulled them and in the gunfight the Marshall was killed and Mather was able to drop one and wound the other two. They were later found and while on the way to be "strung up" the widow of the Marshall intruded and shot them both dead. No charges were filed. Mather was appointed as the Las Vegas Marshal. However, Mather soon moved on again after being accused of "promiscuous shooting” in his capacity as marshal. Next he was known to have served for a short time as Assistant Marshal in El Paso, Texas. However, after an altercation in a brothel in which Mather was slightly wounded, he returned to Dodge City where he was hired as Assistant City Marshal. Later, Mysterious Dave moved on San Francisco, where he took a ship to Vancouver. There is some dispute as to what happened to him and he just sort of faded off the pages of history. Why was he called, Mysterious? He was not talkative and did not disclose anything of his past. Some old west shootists talked a lot, Mather talked rarely, if that.


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