Hawkins: 15 Quotes on Global Warming

John Hawkins
Townhall - Liberal luddites who hate capitalism and industry have spent billions to spread global warming propaganda, despite the fact that it looks more like a fraud, a scam, and a hustle every year. Not only do those on the Left use their control of the mainstream media and the school system to push this nonsense, they've even found a way to rig the scientific process. If you say global warming is happening and it's caused by man, you're deluged with money for research, members of the media are dying to talk to you, and you're patted on the back. If you take the opposite position, the grant money dries up, you can't get published, and you're attacked non-stop as a "denialist." Fortunately, people have started catching on to the game and the public has become much more skeptical about manmade global warming. Read 15 quotations from conservatives explaining why the public is right to be extremely skeptical of manmade global warming here:


Anonymous said...

The loons like to call it "climate change" now that there hasn't been any warming. They also like to say that cold temperatures are caused by their theories even that that doesn't particularly match up with their data or current temperatures. What it all amounts to is M-O-N_E_Y. How much money can they scam out of a duped public?

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