Albuquerque loses money on red light cameras

From - By Jeff Maher, KOB Eyewitness News 4; Taryn Bianchin, KOB - Albuquerque Mayor Richard Berry could decide whether to scrap the city’s red-light camera within the next 30 days. The city is losing money on the program because of a recent change made with the timing of the yellow lights. In January, the city changed the yellow lights to last longer at red-light camera intersections because a UNM study suggested it would lower the amount of crashes. That turned out to be true. But now there are less tickets being issued, meaning less revenue for the city. City councilor Dan Lewis says the city’s red-light camera fund that pays for the program has about $700,000 left and it’s costing about $100,000 a month to run it. That gives the city seven more months of funding before the mayor would have to start dipping into the city budget to pay for it, a budget that is already facing a $40 million shortfall. More News New Mexico


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