Conrad James |
Capitol Report New Mexico - Editor’s Note: Now that the 2011 60-day legislative session is over, we thought it would ask Rep. Conrad James for some of his thoughts. James is a political newbie — a Republican, he took over Janice Arnold-Jones’ seat in District 24 in Albuquerque at the first of the year. An engineer at Sandia Labs, the 36-year-old had no prior political experience. So what’s it like for a freshman at the Roundhouse? Here are some of Rep. James’ thoughts: The 50th legislature was quite an experience for a political novice such as me. Although I have always been an avid consumer of public policy and political debate, navigating the actual machinery of state government as a first-time elected public official was something I knew would be a significant challenge. But with the assistance of hard-working legislative staffers/aides/analysts (http://www.capitolreportnewmexico.com/?p=3811 ), I was able to join the legislature at full-speed and learn quite a lot about our state in the process. Read full column here:
News New Mexico

Conrad James - 1st Year Lawmaker
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