Capitol Report New Mexico -
Gary Johnson, presidential aspirant? Is America ready for a President who: a) wants to
slash federal spending (and is serious about it) b) greatly
reduce (or even eliminate) the US military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq c)
eliminate President Obama’s health care plan and have states run their own systems and d)
legalize marijuana? It looks like we’ll find out because there are reports that former New Mexico Gov.
Gary Johnson – a Republican unlike any other, it seems — is going to announce his candidacy for the 2012 presidential election at the end of April.
Fox News and
Politico quote a political adviser saying that Johnson will make his announcement in New Hampshire, site of one of the most important presidential primaries and a place where the former Governor has been spending a lot of time in the past year. In addition, the adviser says Johnson will skip the process of forming an explatory committee to look at his chances and plunge right into officially declaring his candidacy.
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Gary Johnson to reportedly announce run for 2012 Presidential race
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