Chasey: Why I Support Current Driver's License Law

Rep. Gail Chasey
NMPolitics - During the heated 2010 election, the Albuquerque Journal published results of a survey that showed a large majority of voters in favor of ending the practice of allowing “illegal immigrants” to get drivers’ licenses in the state. What if the question had been: Should foreign nationals pay the same car registration fees and be required to carry the same car insurance as N.M. residents? I believe the majority of New Mexicans would have answered “yes.” But the debate was framed to play on people’s fears rather than focusing on reasonable differences and possible solutions. Our governor calls the law dangerous, but it isn’t the law that’s dangerous – it’s the rhetoric. It divides us as a society. Read full column here: News New Mexico


Anonymous said...

Chassey's logic is one of the largest concentrated collection of BS ever articulated surrounding this issue. In her bullet points she left out STATE GRANTED CITIZENSHIP. Someone who is being abused doesn't decide NOT to call the police because of their legal status. The reasons they DON'T call the police mirror the exact same reasons why abused persons who are American citizens DON'T call the police. This is pure liberal drivel! So she thinks this divides us, huh? No Mam! What this does is divides 80% of us from YOU and the other 20% who cling to the ruse of pretending that issuing these drivers licenses somehow makes all of us more safe. This notion is absolute pure unadulterated poppycock. Furthermore, attempting to articulate this kind of rationalization is making many of us angry and frustrated beyond description. YOU, Mam, are the one who is creating this 80/20 divide! We, THE MAJORITY, demand that you cease and desist this practice now or you will reap the political consequences of your irresponsibility and reprehensible behavior. We are disgusted with these asinine policies and will see you, in great numbers, at the polls soon.

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