Haussamen: Bill Changing Retirement Plans

Heath Haussamen
NMPolitics - You may recall me arguing in December that changes to make government retirement plans solvent should apply only to new members, not to those who have already been working toward retirement under different terms. I expressed that sentiment most strongly about an Educational Retirement Board proposal to increase the number of years people had to work before they could retire. Making people work more years than they have been planning for is, in my view, simply unacceptable. So I was disappointed to discover late Thursday that a bill has quietly but quickly made its way to the House floor that would increase the number of years many existing public employees have to work before they can retire. If my math is correct, House Bill 644, sponsored by Rep. Mimi Stewart, D-Albuquerque, could increase the number of years some public employees have to work before they can retire by as many as 12. But before I tell you more about that, let me describe how the bill got to the House floor: Read full story here: News New Mexico


Anonymous said...

There is one problem with this bill. IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The Constitution for the United States protects against a state making any law that impairs an obligation of contracts. See Article I, Section 10, Pargraph 1.

Too bad we elect such stupid people to serve us. We really need to test EVERYONE, those who run and those who vote BEFORE they are allowed to participate. If they don't know the federal (and state) constitutions, they should be denied the privilege of running or voting.

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