Pearce Voted in Favor of Spending Cuts

Congressman Steve Pearce at Veteran's Rally in Las Cruces
Washington, DC (April 15, 2011) Congressman Steve Pearce voted in favor of the Ryan Republican budget on Friday. According his office the Ryan budget will cut $6.2 trillion over 10 years, compared to President Obama’s proposal, and puts America back on the path to economic solvency. However, Mr. Pearce emphasized the fact that cutting spending alone will not restore economic growth, and that job creation must remain the top priority in Washington. “I applaud Chairman Ryan and my colleagues for recognizing the severity of our nation’s looming debt crisis. But with deficits in the trillions, cuts alone will not close our budget gap. Washington needs to reverse decades of burdensome regulations and oppressive taxes that are destroying our small businesses and killing jobs. It is only through job growth that we can hope to put America back on the path to financial recovery and fiscal responsibility.” Pearce has been an outspoken advocate for addressing the national debt, warning of the looming crisis in town halls across southern New Mexico and on the floor of the House of Representatives. He has consistently argued that the government can never cut deeply enough to close the deficit, now measured in trillions. Instead, he points out that the deficit can best be eliminated through job growth, which will increase revenues and reduce government expenditure.



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