Are You Sure Who the Customer Is?

Who are voters to trust? The unemployment rate went up last month. Jobless or not, all citizens still have to eat. Don’t look now, but the price of beef has gone up 9% over the last year. And pork has gone up 16%. Filled up your gas tank lately? Gas prices have tripled since January of 2009. How can we be seeing these kinds of price increases in a soft economy where the customers are hurting? Unfortunately, while the fiscal and monetary policies of the Obama administration have not led to any job creation, they are most definitely taking effect on the prices we pay for virtually everything. Care to travel by air? Airline fares have climbed nearly 12% over the last twelve months. You think the “Cash for Clunkers” plan the Obama administration concocted to jump start job creation helped with prices? Oops. With the artificial destruction of the supplies, the ensuing scarcities of previously owned vehicles have caused prices on used automobiles to go up 15% since last May. Did you get seriously ill in the last twelve months? guessed it, hospital bills are up 5.4%. The truth is virtually all raw material costs are substantially higher too. Inflation is everywhere.
Senior citizens should be taking a particularly hard look at what their voting choices are in 2012. While GOP budget proposals are excluding anyone over the age of 55 from Medicare reforms, Democrats still believe the federal government needs even more tax money to work with. Lowering spending is called "radicalism" by Democrats. If you don't like what you are seeing on the price front it is important to realize that the policies of Democrats have been designed to drive interest rates into the ground. The justification for this policy has been that the government had to make a concerted effort to lower interest rates to “help the economy." Of course government benefited the most from this policy by helping itself to low borrowing costs. People with savings (mostly seniors) took the biggest hit in financing government's self-serving policies. The cause-effect story is now getting worse. The resulting drop in the U.S. dollar's value (due mainly to the low interest rate policies of our government) has driven global oil prices through the roof. While the assist provided to the U.S. economy by an ultra-low interest rate policy has been very debatable, the effects on the incomes of those relying on fair interest rates (seniors) is unmistakable.
Boogie Man
The choice presented by the approaching 2012 elections is centered on whether the majority of Americans want to empower Congress, the White House, and an army of Washington bureaucrats to act as all encompassing agents in protecting us from the market place. Why should we alter our trust paradigm? This week’s absurd ritual in Washington D.C. provided a vivid illustration of why a revolution in our thinking on the choice of trusting business more or trusting government more is needed. Once again Senate Democrats used the awesome power of a subpoena to drag busy oil company executives before Congress. Their old political shell game plan was pretty obvious. With unemployment back up to 9%, interest rates on certificates of deposits at fifty year lows, and prices on everything going through the roof, Senate Democrats are getting understandably nervous about what their "focus groups" are telling them about the polls. In the Democrat's caucus meetings it was decided it was time to print up the economic boogie man labels and slap them on the CEO's of oil companies.
Sadly, while these same Senators continue to support the borrowing of $4 billion dollars a day (until taxes can be raised), they actually believed posturing before the cameras and barking at oil industry executives would demonstrate leadership in the minds of voters. What was actually at stake in this charade was the amount of money our government borrows every twelve hours. What conclusions should we draw from our recent experiences? It is now time to trust competition amongst businesses more and government less. Why? Businesses tend to add value to your life while battling to win your business. Great businesses put their customers first. And while necessary for those responsibilities spelled out in the constitution, no government entity ever put anything except its own relentless mission of self-perpetuation first. Citizens will never get good customer service results from a government entity because citizens are not the bureaucrat's customer. Senators, House members, and the president are the bureaucrat's customer. Citizens are merely the tax revenue targets of pro-government politicians who are themselves the customers the bureaucrats must please. Think you are government's customer? Think again.



Anonymous said...

Doesn't government collect higher taxes and fees when things cost more? So, what's in it for this administration to try and keep inflation under control? Hello!!

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