Capitol Report New Mexico.com - On Monday afternoon (Aug. 29), Gov.
Susana Martinez held a news conference announcing her decision to
re-introduce a bill ending the practice of what’s called “social promotion” (allowing students to move on to the next grade even if they have not mastered the school work required). A number of legislators showed up at the newser, standing figuratively and literally with the governor in support of adding the legislation to the upcoming special session of the legislature. But when it came her turn to speak to reporters, Garcia — a Democrat from Doña Ana County — announced that she had changed her mind about placing the social promotion bill on the call for the special session. “I’m sorry, governor,” Garcia said. “I made this decision last night after hearing from so many of my constituents … Perhaps if it comes up in January [during the legislature's regular, 30-day session], I would support it … It’s premature. Governor, I hate to disappoint you … we need to concentrate on redistricting.” Later, when talking to reporters, Garcia said that while she endorsed a bill in this past 60-day

session that would prevent third graders who have not mastered reading skills from getting promoted to the fourth grade, she thinks the social promotion bill and other pieces of legislation Martinez wants placed on the special session docket should be postponed. “I say, let’s wait,” Garcia said. But speaking moments after Garcia’s about-face, Martinez said lawmakers — and students in New Mexico — can’t wait. “I’m not satisfied with being 49th in the nation,” Martinez said, referring to a number of
recent educational studies showing dismal results from New Mexico schools.
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State senator throws Susana a curve at news conference
Garcia is a twit in dire need of being replaced. The proper thing for her to have done is come clean prior to the press conference and told the governor she disagreed with the policy. This is precisely what the American people hate about politics. Garcia stinks. She's part of it.
Garcia is an embarrassment to our community. Her behavior was classless and down right boorish. We need someone who can represent the voters in a more civil and appropriate manner. Regardless of whether you're for or against the governor's policies, Garcia's behavior was thoughtless and despicable, to say the least. This press conference was hardly the time or place to show up Governor Martinez. It was a kin to one fighter sucker punching another...AFTER THE FIGHT. It was appalling. My family and I intend to vote for any democrat that challenges her in a primary. We will encourage others to do the same. What on God's earth was she thinking? Does she think her public confrontation with the governor would endear her to the voters in her district? Is this the kind of civility we can expect from her in the future? We certainly hope that a public apology will be forthcoming very soon!
People that know Garcia aren't surprised she would pull this kind of media stunt. It's very unlikely she'll ever apologize. She's rather smug about the likelihood of ever being defeated in her district. Unfortunately, her constituency is tone deaf to the harm she does to their legislative opportunities. Behind the scenes, there are many in the legislature who would prefer not to work with her. If this is the kind of representation her constituency wants...they're certainly getting what they want. Now lets see if they're happy with what they get.
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