Parker: Rubio's Courageous Speech

Star Parker
Townhall - Florida’s young Republican Senator Marco Rubio gave an important speech at the Reagan Presidential Library in California that has set off the liberal talking head universe. He had the temerity to suggest that the huge growth in government’s role in American life over the last century “actually weakened us as a people.” The resulting onslaught from liberal blogs and cable hosts comes as no surprise because Rubio directly took on the idol at which liberals worship – Big Government. But his analysis was courageous and profound. Eighty percent of Americans are not happy with the direction of the country. And, new Gallup polling shows that only 17 percent are positively disposed toward the federal government. Americans want answers. Senator Rubio, in this speech, stepped up to the plate to provide answers.
Marco Rubio
If liberals disagree, they are going to have to get equally serious. They’ve certainly got to do better than MSNBC’s Ed Schultz, calling Rubio “a political hack” who wants “to get rid of social safety nets.” Our fiscal crisis is undeniable. The trillions in debt we’ve taken on to finance massive government spending has resulted in the unthinkable downgrading in rating of our government’s bonds. But Senator Rubio took a bold step beyond looking at our problems just as an accountant. He suggested that we cannot separate our budget from our culture. The culture of government has displaced the culture of personal responsibility. I have been making the point for years regarding what the welfare state culture has done in our black communities. How it has created a permanent underclass, defined by family breakdown, sexual promiscuity, disease, and crime. American culture has changed profoundly over these years that Americans have come to increasingly believe that government social engineering can solve life’s problems and challenges. Read full dolumn here: News New Mexico


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