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Did T.A. Corporate Ban the Fox News Channel?
I'll never fill up or spend a dime in any of their stores nationwide if this turns out to be true.
Is this what we're getting down to in America? Can this company afford to chase off FOX patrons?
This policy sets a dangerous precedent. TA would appear to be aiding and abiding the process of dividing America. Like it or not, FOX Cable News Network is number one amongst viewers who watch the news. I would think TA would be more inclined to sell their goods to consumers of all political views rather than isolate themselves and take a political stand one way or another. Their decision will very likely anger people who are FOX News fans whether there's a TA in their town or not. If it were my business, I would avoid initiating divisive policies that might alienate certain segments of my market. Evidently someone at TA has a personal agenda to express. Good luck with that approach to winning friends and influencing people. I wonder how the board of directors will respond when they get wind of this folly.
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