Circle K Fires Employee for Self-Defense

Consumerist - Imagine you're working at a Circle K (or any other store of its type) when a trio of wannabe robbers enter and begin waving a gun at you. What do you do? And more importantly, are you thinking about company policy or your own safety?  That was the situation facing a Pensacola, FL, man earlier this month, when his workday at the Circle K was interrupted by armed baddies, a man and two women.
"She starts yelling shoot him, shoot him!" the man tells Pensacola's Fox 10 TV. "I grabbed her around the neck and slammed her on the ground and grabbed the gun in both my hands."  The man says he knows of Circle K's policy against provoking, chasing or engaging a robber, but explains that he didn't really have a choice.  "I don't care if it were a bigger person, smaller person or a child; if you have a gun in your face, if you're struggling with somebody you're going to bite, kick, scratch, pull," he tells Fox 10. "You're going do every dirty thing you can think of to save yourself."
Regardless, once the folks at Circle K saw the video footage of the incident, they decided he needed to longer be employed by the chain. A local police detective tells Fox 10: "I don't recommend anybody to put your life in danger, but in my opinion this clerk had an opportunity. He obviously felt like he was in danger and he saw an opportunity to save himself." Read full story here: News New Mexico



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