Details Emerge on Archdiocese Robbery

KOAT - TV - An Albuquerque police investigation of a fatal officer-involved shooting that occurred near St. Pius X High School late Wednesday revealed that just before 11 p.m., an armed, masked man broke into the archdiocese offices to steal a safe, according to police. Police said the man restrained and assaulted an overnight security guard in the process.
“(The security guard) was assaulted by the man, (and he was) tied up. At the time he was tied up, the offender held a gun to the security guard's head and wanted to know where the money and or the safes were kept,” said Albuquerque Police Department Chief Ray Schultz. Police said as soon as the gunman saw the APD officer he began to fire a .357-caliber revolver.
"Luckily for us, it appears that after he had fired the gun several times, the gun malfunctioned," Schultz said.
Read full story here: News New Mexico


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