Senate Democrats to Introduce Jobs Bills

Michael Sanchez
SANTA FE--The Senate Majority Caucus released the Helping Incentivize Real Employment (HIRE) Initiative, a collection of eleven bills that will help a broad range of small businesses in New Mexico revitalize the economy. This plan will take big steps to create jobs across New Mexico.
Some of the bills that will, and have been, offered from the members came from the bi partisan Jobs Initiative Group which was started by Senate Majority Leader Michael S. Sanchez and brought together members of the business community, as well as several chambers of commerce and labor leaders.
Tim Keller
“We need to make sure that we listen to the needs of the business community and the jobs group was an excellent way of doing that,” Senator Sanchez said. “We were able to bring everyone to the table, and when we do that, good ideas emerge.”
This broad based initiative draws a distinction to other jobs bills that would offer businesses only small amounts of help-- not enough to add any new employees or make meaningful improvements to their businesses. This initiative also broadens the scope of economic impact in contrast to narrowly constructed bills that constitute little more than giveaways to certain companies. Read rest of story here: News New Mexico



Dave said...

All of the tax incentives listed are great! Which taxes are being reduced? GRT? Income?(which is only what 4.5%!)Sounds like a bunch of bunk! The story does not define small business.

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