From NMPolitics.net - By U.S. Senator Tom Udall - The new law sets the same penalties for trafficking, whether it’s by plane, automobile or ultralight – up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. It also gives law enforcement the tools they need to combat this type of drug trafficking, like adding attempt and conspiracy to the aviation smuggling law, so that the criminals who coordinate these kinds of operations can be prosecuted as well. As drug smugglers develop new techniques for getting illegal drugs into our country, we need to stay toe-to-toe with them by making sure our laws and law enforcement are equipped for the task. This is a good law and I’m proud that we passed it. But it also goes to show that securing our border can and should be a bipartisan endeavor. The flow of drugs into this country impacts every community and ever person – Democrat or Republican. We should be able to pass bipartisan solutions – like this one – to a problem that affects everyone. Read more

Sorry, but the "War on Drugs" is a lot more than marijuana. ex: the $100M in liquid PCP seized in LA last week and the ongoing Meth lab busts virtually everywhere. If we legalized MJ, would we then be xraying MJ bales for hidden hard drugs?
Perhaps we should legalize MJ. According to the Virginia Stat Univ, it would be a method of adding chlorine to the gene pool, because using MJ reduces sperm counts in men and increases infertility in women.
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