New Mexico Supreme Court Outdoes Itself

NM Supreme Court Justices
After appointing fellow Democrat Judge James Hall to hear countless hours of testimony in the House redistricting case, the state Supreme Court shifted into micro-management and Monday morning quarterbacking mode today. Astonishingly, it overturned a plan for the new district lines Judge Hall drew up for the state House of Representatives.
Demonstrating that when it comes to New Mexico's highest court, there are no limits on pomposity, the panel ordered Judge Hall to draw a "new" map.
Judge James Hall
Despite the fact that Judge Hall was the diligent finder of facts in the case, and was already in possession of all the relevant details after all sides were heard, the high court has chosen to waste more taxpayer dollars on, you guessed it, LAWYERS, and cast logic aside so the state can experience additional turmoil. What Judge Hall does next, since he has already done his best, is anybodys guess. A reasonable man would diplomatically tell the meddling pack of partisan Democrats sitting on the high court to appoint a more appropriate stooge so they get the outcome they had in mind to begin with. The court is not merely manipulative and meddling it is inefficient in the way it manipulates and meddles.



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