Pearce: Obama Budget.....a Job Killer

Congressman Steve Pearce responded to the President's budget today in a news release.
Washington, DC (February 13, 2012) Today, Congressman Steve Pearce issued the following statement in response to the President's budget:
Steve Pearce
"While the President and I can find common ground on the need to extend the payroll tax cuts, I do not support the fact that his plan calls for more government spending up front," Pearce said. "His idea of job creation is to support government funded jobs, instead of to reduce the regulatory and tax burdens on small business owners, allowing them to create jobs. The government does not create jobs; hard working Americans do. As we work through this, I will fight to ensure that New Mexico's recovery and job creation is not harmed."
President Obama's budget includes provisions that would be detrimental to some of New Mexico's most prosperous industries. According to page 33 of his budget, the President is proposing “charging appropriate fees and reforming how royalties are set” for mineral development industries. The President’s budget outlines these royalties and fees, as charging new royalties on “select hardrock minerals” and “charging user fees to oil companies for processing oil and gas drilling permits,” which would affect New Mexico jobs.
In response to these royalties and other proposals within the budget, Pearce said, “The President is continuing his attack on hardworking Americans and job creators, just to spend more on his failed economic policies, social welfare programs and clean energy incentives that go to his campaign contributors and his friends. Additionally, he is taking money away from rural hospitals, cutting retirement funds to the American heroes who put their lives on the line and taking money away from farmers who grow healthy foods in order to provide ‘healthier foods’ to school children. Once again, we see that his policies don’t add up, and his ideas are gravely flawed.”



Jaxon said...

Obama killing jobs? What's new?

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