Swickard: Train wreck by design

© 2012 Michael Swickard, Ph.D. In the old west a rancher on a hill saw a steam locomotive going one direction. Around a bend another was coming the other way on the same tracks. At the crash inquest he was asked, “When you saw them collide, what did you think?” The rancher said, “I thought it was a heck of a way to run a railroad.” 
Three connected political items bring to mind metaphoric train wrecks. First, the New Mexico legislature starts slowly each year. Week by week the pace of legislative business picks up a little until the last few days, regardless of whether it is a 60 or 30 day session.  Suddenly it is time for the New Mexico legislature end game. So both legislative chambers meet often around the clock those last couple of days which is too intense for the media to adequately cover. Mercifully, everything comes to a screeching halt at noon the last day. Those final hours often are taken up by filibuster so that much of the work of the legislature is ruined by the bills that get caught and cannot be acted upon. Year after year it is the same. Each year losing all of that work to filibusters is a heck of a way to run a government. Read column



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