Susana Martinez |
KRQE — Lawmakers have put more than 70 bills on Governor Susana Martinez's desk, and now she has to figure out which ones will actually make it into law. The Governor says the legislative session, which ended Thursday, certainly had some bright spots. "I was pleased that we got some of our tax reforms out," Governor Martinez said. "We have some of the dollars in place for education reform, and we also tackled corruption in our state." Two bills the Governor knows she will accept include one that prevents elected officials convicted of crimes from collecting benefits after they've been booted from office. Another bill will give $1,000 tax credit to business hiring veterans from war. "We're real excited that we're going to be more competitive with our surrounding states, and make sure businesses that are her remain open," Martinez said. "We're also inviting other businesses to come her and hire our New Mexicans." Read full story here:
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