'World’s Largest Matanza' this weekend
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Tuesday, February 21, 2012
From KRQE-TV.com - By Bill Diven - A cooking competition built around a traditional matanza is expected to draw 15,000 to the Valencia County Sheriff’s Posse Fairgrounds in Belen this Saturday. The 12th annual event from 6:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. will feature 25 teams cooking more than 40 pigs in a number of competitions. Admission of $10 for spectators 11 and older includes viewing the events, a kiddie corral, arts-and-crafts fair, entertainment and all-you-can-eat food. The posses grounds are 1.6 miles east from the north Belen exit off Interstate 25. Proceeds fund scholarships for Valencia County students through the Valencia County Hispano Chamber of Commerce. The chamber had cancelled the matanza after a dispute with the U.S. Department of Agriculture over food-safety regulations. The dispute was resolved, but that delayed the event about a month. Read more

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