Pegasus project could boost Las Cruces building/real estate industries

Las Cruces Sun-News - If a $1 billion research, development and test facility is indeed built west of Las Cruces, there has to be some major fallout for the business community here, right? So, whom or what will feel the first wave of positive energy — meaning contracts (and money) — from the proposed facility by Pegasus Global Holdings? "If Pegasus becomes as described, it could be very, very substantial," said Jim Peach, economist at New Mexico State University. "I could see a lot of contractors and struggling contractors doing quite well for a while." After all, Pegasus wrote on an application to obtain 15,000 acres of state trust for its research facility that it would need to "Develop, operate and maintain the systems and infrastructure representative of a mid-sized American community." Developing a mid-sized community sounds like a project that would need a lot of hands. Read More News New Mexico



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