Memorial Day.......Never Forget

NewsNM note - We received the following message from Steve Pearce's office. It was the only communication on Memorial Day we could find from our national Congressional delegation on the topic.
“Today, we celebrate those who serve or have served—and especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation. I take this time to show my gratitude. Today and every day, I remember and pray for our fallen heroes, their families and those still in harm’s way around the world. Not only the soldiers, but also the families are the embodiment of courage and honor. Whether Memorial Day for you is about barbequing, picnicking, or spending time with family, I hope each of you take a moment to remember what this day is truly about.”
“On this day, I want to thank every member of our community that served our nation for their courage and commitment to protecting our freedom and ensuring our safety. America is free today because of the sacrifices made by the men and women in the Armed Forces. I will never forget their sacrifices. Today, please take the time to remember and honor those that defend our liberties.”
Amen Congressman Pearce. Amen.



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