Richardson Never Used His State E-mail Address

KRQE —"In the early days it wasn't sure if it was public record, if it was more akin to the telephone," State Records Administrator John Hyrum Martinez said. "It wasn't until a number of court decisions that said no, these are public record."
Bill Richardson
But don't go over to the State Records Center and Archives in Santa Fe expecting to find state e-mails from form er Govs. Bill Richardson and Gary Johnson.
"Richardson was the first governor we got e-mail from, so this is a learning experience for all of us," Martinez continued.
And while the archive received more than 2.5 million e-mails from Richardson administration officials, archivists were surprised when they checked Richardson's state e-mail address.
"Well, it appears that the e-mail wasn't used," Martinez said. "We found there were no records in his in or his sent or his deleted boxes."
That's right. It appears Richardson never used his state e-mail address even one time during his eight years in office. Instead if his staff needed to communicate with him, they used one of the governor's private e-mail accounts. Read full story here: News New Mexico


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