Swickard: Start with data not emotions

© 2012 Michael Swickard, Ph.D.   Data does not lie. It is exactly what it is regardless of political implications people would like the data to support. Data is numbers and words and graphs from which we can argue conclusions. Data is just data in and of itself. People can use data to make decisions. That is the textbook way we in our society are supposed to make decisions. 
We should look at the data and then proceed as the data suggests. While data does not take a side in a debate, people have wants and cares and desires which they argue for and sometimes try to use data to convince others as to the validity of their viewpoint. Data may be neutral, but people lie and misuse data. People use data for purposes not supported by the data. Worse, Americans have great debates without ever looking at the data. 
In our society there is a great debate, no, that is not right. No one is debating, everyone is just emoting their feelings about guns without regard for data. Even though there may be data, most often it is ignored if it does not help make their desired political point. Our news media does not present balanced reports; it generally looks for stories that support their political agenda. They ignore data that does not support their views. You do not believe such a thing? 
Here is proof: in all of the stories about gun violence, have you seen any stories about when having and using a gun is good? People use guns to make things better every day and the mainstream media does not cover the good use of guns. But they are quick to shout when guns are used for bad purposes. Read full column



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