Not Paying Attention? - You Wish

John Kerry
From by David Harsanyi - Who's going to argue with Sen. John Kerry's recent claim that the American electorate "doesn't always pay that much attention to what's going on, so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what's happening"? Hey, that's why John Kerry keeps his job. That's why a simple three-word slogan and a bunch of saccharine speeches can propel a fresh political face into a spectacularly failed presidency. And that's why the Party of Intellect, Decency and Selflessness has a hallowed duty to point out the hard facts and truths about its opponents, those Aqua Buddha-worshipping, witchcraft-loving, Talibanish, rape-approving, women-hating, foreign-influence-peddling brutes. Read here:


Anonymous said...

I voted for him right before I decided not to vote for him after all. Freddy the "Free-Loader" has nothing on this guy.

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