How Do California and the Titanic Differ?

Commentary by Dennis Prager - OK, riddle fans, here's a toughie: What's the difference between California voters and the passengers on the Titanic? The passengers on the Titanic didn't vote to hit the iceberg. Most Americans understand that California is sinking. What is almost incredible is that it has voted to sink. On Election Day, 2010 Californians voted Democrats into every statewide position (one is still undecided). This is the party that singlehandedly has brought one of the world's greatest economies to near ruin. There may well be historical parallels to what Californians did -- but I cannot think of any. A listener called my radio show two days after the elections to tell me that his business is booming -- thanks to Californians. His occupation? He's a real estate agent in Phoenix, Ariz. The middle class has begun to leave California. It is, of course, impossible for most members of such a large group to leave a state; few people leave their family, their friends, their job and their home except under the most dramatic circumstances. But this fact makes all the more noteworthy the exodus from California that has been taking place. Read more


Anonymous said...

The difference between the those steering California and the Titanic can be summed up in two simple sentences. Once the iceberg was spotted by the crew of the Titanic, they intended to avoid hitting it but MISTAKENLY steered the ship in the wrong direction. The people of California have deliberately re-elected the same party, with the same tax and spend policies over and over and over again. Ironically, they re-called Gray Davis for over spending but re-elected the same state representatives for decades. I think it's extremely unfair to compare the crew of the Titanic to the people of California. The only reasonable comparison that can be made is that both are doomed to fail. I have no doubt that if the crew of the Titanic were given a second chance to steer the ship in another direction they would surely have slipped past the iceberg unscathed. The people of California have had multiple opportunities to steer their state in another direction and have failed miserably. I do have one OTHER theory; perhaps the people of California have given up and decided to keep the same legislature so that WHEN the state defaults on it's financial obligations and declares bankruptcy, the democrats will be unable to blame the republicans. Do you think it's possible the people of California are that smart? Naaaaaaaaaaaa...

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