Martinez Puts Kabosh on EIB Carbon Cap
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Saturday, January 8, 2011
New Mexico News
From errorsofenchantment.com -Great news for New Mexicans and the state economy: Governor Susana Martinez has halted the implementation of the state’s carbon cap that was passed through the Environmental Improvement Board. This is a clear, early sign that Martinez is serious about turning New Mexico’s economy around. If environmentalists want to pass a carbon cap in New Mexico, I highly recommend they pursue it through the democratically-elected Legislature and Governor. We’ll fight them, but at least it is a fair fight when legislators have to stand for election once in a while (unlike the unelected EIB).

This is GREAT news for the New Mexico economy! Finally a handful of cowardly scumbags aren't allowed to subject the rest of us to asinine rules and tyrannical taxes unwanted by the majority of New Mexico citizens. Many of us hope this is the end for the EIB, period. If the environmental cowards in this state feel compelled to secretly kill jobs and tax us , let them carry out their unpopular agenda under the spotlight of public opinion. Let them have to face the voters like Jeff Steinborn and those of his ilk did.
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