Martinez Declares State of Emergency

Newnm note (Spence) Amazingly record cold temperatures hit the state as global energy advocates continue to demand rules that will crimp energy supplies. It is House Energy Committee Chair Brian Egolf who needs to turn down his thermostat while he reads this emergency declaration, rather than those with sense enough to understand the fundamental importance of having access to energy. SANTA FE – Governor Susana Martinez announced today that she has signed two Executive Orders in response to extreme cold weather and natural gas outages across the state and outlined a few steps that New Mexicans can take to help in the response to current situations. The Governor has declared a State of Emergency in New Mexico and has also suspended regulations on the number of hours that propane suppliers may drive in order to more rapidly move liquid petroleum gas into and across the state.
In addition, Governor Martinez released from work all non-essential state employees today and ordered all state buildings to turn down thermostats to conserve energy. She also urged New Mexicans to limit their use of electrical appliances and also turn down their thermostats to collectively reduce the demand for natural gas. The Governor noted that increased use of electricity has the potential to further inhibit the flow of natural gas to communities in New Mexico. New Mexicans who are not facing emergencies but who need assistance in dealing with the cold weather or in finding the nearest shelter should call local police and fire department non-emergency phone numbers.



Anonymous said...

Richardson in eight years didn't have these problems. Next time vote for a competent governor instead of a DA.

Anonymous said...

Richardson is the person who caused all these problems. Thankfully that scumbag is history and now the DA can get on with cleaning up all his "do-do". Next time recognize a scumbag at the polls.

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