Cartel Violence Spillover is Under-Reported

Slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry
Townhall - by Katie Pavlich - Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Oversight, Investigations and Management Subcommittee, doesn’t believe that Americans are getting a clear picture of what the rate of crime along the southern border really is, considering the types of crimes excluded under the definitions of crime in the FBI Uniform Crime Report. The Obama Administration and officials in Homeland Security can conveniently cite border cities as some of the safest in the world because the report is used to declare violence is not in the United States, just in Mexico. “If you’re excluding all of these crimes, how can these statements be correct that there isn’t spill over violence in the United States,” Rep. McCaul asked during the hearing. “I just want an accurate assessment of the level of crime.”
Williams claimed that resources allocated to enforce the border through Homeland Security are working, but law enforcement officials on the ground aren’t seeing results while fighting ruthless cartels who use violence as a method of intimidation. “While I am pleased we have added more resources to the border it is not secure. It has never been more violent than today,” McCaul said. Zapata County Texas Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzales reiterated McCaul’s statement, saying he sees spill over violence everyday. “We see almost on a daily basis spill over violence,” Gonzales said. “Politicians will disagree with me about spill over violence, but we have spill over violence.”
Gonzales added that cartel members are going to police officers homes in the United States to intimidate them and that deputy sheriffs are being shot at while cartel members are bringing drug loads through U.S. neighborhoods. “In almost 10 years we have seen nothing but broken promises when it comes to protecting our nation,” Gonzales said. “There cannot be homeland security without border security.” Read full story here: News New Mexico



Anonymous said...

Does this mean we're not getting the alligator moat?

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