NBC cut "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance

(NewsNM - Swickard) I am at a loss for words that a major television network would let this happen. It had to be planned. So I will plan to not watch NBC ever again. If one person does so NBC will not even notice. If a million people stop watching, now you have their attention.
From News Busters.com - By Noel Sheppard - NBC on Sunday decided to cut the words "under God" from the reading of the Pledge of Allegiance that accompanied the beginning of its coverage of the U.S. Open Golf Championship. In fact, this happened twice during the show's introduction Read more:


Anonymous said...

Let's go back to this. Saying the pledge is spitting on the graves of all the soldiers who fought in the revolutionary war. The Framers spin in their graves whenever the socialist pledge is recited. The words and purpose of the pledge are to destroy state sovereignty. The pledge was written by a defrocked baptist minister who called himself a christian socialist.

The words of the Pledge have no truth. The US is not and never was nation or a republic. That concept was not in the minds of the Framers when they formed the Union. It was not until Lincoln destroyed the Union that the US became thought of as a singular rather than a plural.

Those who claim to want to restore the Constitution but who recite the Pledge are displaying an ignorance of our history. They are guilty of destroying the independence of the states and the design of our system of government. So do not pat yourself on the back for supporting the Pledge. You are part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

"...one nation UNDER GOD...(etc, etc) HAS EVERYTHING to do with Christian values, which WAS DEFINITELY a major part of the framers intent.

Anonymous said...

THE US were NOT 1 nation. The US ARE NOT 1 nation. The US are not a republic. The entire Pledge is filled with lies as to the true status of the united States of America. All that We believe has been a lie due to Lincoln's illegal war. Please go back and read the documents about the United States BEFORE the War of Aggression. I am not alone in my teaching. Di Lorenzo covers the same points as do many other prominent authors and scholars.

Believing in the Christian God and recognizing God's gifts and plans for the 50 states is the correct position. In fact, with my extensive studies, I can prove the Constitution is a Christian document. BUT I will not live, teach, and perpetuate the lie of the Pledge.

Anyone who recites the Pledge is falling into the hands of those who would destroy EVERYTHING the Framers and their compatriots died for. Learn the truth. The Framers would never agree with "one nation" or "to the republic" because those are lies.

Your Nation is the state in which you live. Each of the sections we call states are equal in authority to any other state/nation in the world.

In the Declaration of Independence, Great Britain is refered to as the "state of Great Britian" NOT the nation of Great Britain.

I understand that all of us were brainwashed by the pledge in school. Unlearning the lie is difficult. But so long as one continues with the lie, the truth will not win out. If you are going to recite the Pledge, you have no place in criticizing other unconstitutional actions. Either you want the real Constitution or you do not. There is no middle ground.

You want a Pledge then use mine:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the Union which it represents,
fifty nations, blessed by God,
with liberty and justice for all."

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