Pearce: Obama May Purposely Withhold SS Checks

Steve Pearce
New Mexico Watchdog - US House member Rep. Steve Pearce (R-New Mexico) said Friday (July 15) that if a debt ceiling agreement is not reached by the August 2nd deadline, he thinks President Obama will purposely refuse to send out Social Security checks. Earlier this week (July 12), Obama said in an interview with CBS News that “I cannot guarantee that [Social Security] checks go out on August 3rd if we haven’t resolved this issue, because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.”
Since then, a number of financial and economics experts have said that the US Treasury can and will be able to meet its obligations to Social Security recipients and Republicans accused the President of preying on the fears of seniors in order to score political points. Read full story here: News New Mexico


Anonymous said...

The President does not have the constitutional authority to withhold SS checks. No one except Congress may alter the law. IF the President withholds the checks or even orders them to be withheld, he is committing an impeachable offense. The President is required by the Constitution to faithfully execute the laws. He cannot legally decide NOT to execute a law as passed by Congress except following the issuance of a court order to stay the law or a declaration by the courts that the law is unconstitutional.

I respectfully ask Rep Pearce to file an impeachment proceeding against the President if the President withholds SS checks.

The President has roughly 10 constitutional powers. Everything the President does that is not explicitly granted is unconstitutional. Any and all unconstitutional acts are reason to impeach.

It is said we have 3 coequal branches of government but this is a lie. In order to understand which branch holds the top position of power, one need only review who can fire whom. Can the President fire Congress or any of them? No! Can the President fire a judge? No! Can the judges fire the President? No. Can the judges fire a Congressman? No. Can Congress fire the President? Yes. Can Congress fire a judge? Yes. Congress is the boss of the President and the judicial branch and can remove (impeach) members of the other two branches. Neither the President nor the judicial branch has any authority over the Congress, other than a minor veto power which can be overturned by Congress, another point showing that Congress is superior to the President. The President has only one choice concerning legislation. Sign or not sign. Once signed, regardless of the President's desires, the law is to be obeyed and enforced. Any President failing to enforce the law, is violating the law and the Constitution and is subject ot removal by impeachment.

Anonymous said...

I would be very surprised to see the president attempt such nonsense.

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